Thursday, March 05, 2009

For Lack of Anything More Coherent to Write...

I am so completely boring lately. Not bored, exactly, I'm keeping busy with books and films and hulu, etc, but I am feeling spectacularly unengaged with the world. And I'm struggling even more than usual with the creative process. It's almost as though I'm encased in a transparent bubble that keeps me an extra step removed from what's going on around me. The only thing I'm into at the moment is running. I'm having a blast with that.

That's me at the Dana Street Roasting Company. They're roasting the Espresso blend right now, which explains the crooked smile.


Blogger jain said...

I hear ya. I'm rather bland lately myself. My mind seems to ebb and flow rather than operate at a continuous level. I don't like it but that's how it is. I'll be back though...

6:14 AM  

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