Friday, October 05, 2007

Nepali Blues

I'm writing from Kathmandu (KTM,) where I landed just over 24 hours ago. It's been a bit rough so far as disaster struck last night after dinner. V left his bag, containing just about everything of importance including his passport and green card, at the restaurant where we ate. He did not discover his loss until an hour later when the restaurant had already closed. After a few hours of restless sleep, we went there at 6 AM this morning to see if the staff had found it. The old Tibetan couple that opened the place spoke no English, and it took us nearly two hours before we were able to speak to our waiter and the kid who cleaned. Both seemed evasive. The rest of the day was spent shuttling between the Indian Embassy and Tourist Police office. And of course today is Friday, so we'll have to put everything on hold over the weekend.

This development has put the future of the trip in question. We'd been planning a 9 day trek from Pokhara, but now we'll have to wait around KTM at least until we figure out how V is going to replace his passport/ green card.


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