Friday, September 28, 2007

Moving on

At last I've finalized my travel plans: Monday, Oct. 1 I meet up with V and we fly from Bangalore to Kolkata (the city formerly known as Calcutta); on to Kathmandu on the 4th. From there we'll travel overland to Pokhara, where V has grand ideas of trekking. I have a feeling I'll be content to sit by the lake, but we'll see how that goes. After Pokhara, we'll either travel overland to Varnasi (in India) then on to West Bengal (Darjeeling) and Sikkhim; the other option is going to Lhasa from Kathmandu.

In the meantime I'm savoring my time in Mysore. I've decided to return here after the Nepal/ Northeast trip, if only for a while.


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