Friday, October 09, 2009

And then...

After I finished up my little tour of the local bibliothèque municipale, I stopped by Ritual for a cup of joe. I reached there in time to catch the tail end of the weekly Public Cupping. Led by Head Roaster Steve Ford, it's much like a wine tasting. Complete with cups to spit in. I made it to the third selection before the ambient noise made it entirely impossible to hear Mr. Ford speak and I gave up. So I queued for a cup of the Los Chacones from Costa Rica and a slice of the vegan nectarine bread. The cafe was jumping, so I had to share a table. The seat I chose just happened to be next to a couple of guys, one ABCD* who looked and sounded familiar. Did I know this guy? Then I overheard some snatches of conversation. The desi guy was talking about some of the bits he was planning to do and in what order. Then it hit me: this was comedian Hari Kondabolu, whom I had seen perform on late night tv. He's performing at the Punch Line tonight.

*American Born Confused Desi (Indian)


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