Saturday, November 01, 2008


Post every day for a month. That's all you have to do.

Inspired by National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo, now in its Tenth year), the folks at Fussy started National Blog Posting Month for those of us who are not quite up to the task of penning an entire novel in thirty days but still want to give their writing muscles a good workout.

Today I was invited to stop by a friend's house. When I arrived, the table was beautifully set for our tea party. Over the course of my visit, she proceeded to transform the back deck into an Autumn Wonderland with flower arrangements, colourful ribbons and cornucopia. Five or six of her many lovely cats stopped by to pay visits. I wandered the yard, trying out my new camera on the photogenic flora and fauna (cats, mostly). The sweet Texas sheet cake was delicious, and paired well with the earthy taste of the kukicha I selected from among the many options: green tea, blackberry, Egyptian mint, English breakfast... I stayed until I could no longer bear the cold. The sun failed to make an appearance today, and the temperature never made it much above 50.


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